Need, Willingness to Partner, & Ability to Pay
As we strive towards a world where everyone has a decent and affordable place to live, Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity, Inc. recognizes the importance of successful homeownership, home maintenance, and community support. All of NCHFH's programs require that prospective and existing homeowners demonstrate a need, willingness to partner with NCHFH, and ability to pay an affordable mortgage or repay an affordable repair loan. This emphasizes Habitat's belief of providing individuals and families with a hand up, not a hand out.
A need for housing can be expressed by current housing being inadequate based on size, structural state, or an unsafe neighborhood, just to name a few examples. An applicant’s current housing can also be cost-burdened and consume more than 30% of the household’s gross monthly income. For repair program applicants, need may be conveyed by health or structural hazards or repairs that can't be completed without financial assistance.
Education and sweat equity hours play a large part of NCHFH's programs, demonstrating a willingness to partner. New homeowner applicants must attend mandatory homeowner education classes as well as complete 250 sweat equity hours (100 in construction, 150 in NCHFH's ReStore, and/or on other approved community activities). NCHFH's educational classes focus on topics such as the home buying process, credit management, budgeting, avoiding delinquency and foreclosure, and more.
Existing homeowners applying for repair and/or renovation assistance must attend a basic home maintenance class and volunteer 25 sweat equity hours in construction or the organization's ReStore operation. Consideration is given to individuals who may be unable to perform sweat equity due to age or disability. Friends and family can also help.
To ensure the affordability of its programs, NCHFH provides new and existing homeowners with affordable loans, generally with terms unlike those of conventional lenders. Terms vary depending upon the amount being financed, but providing affordable loans allows homeowners to create a nest egg for future home expenses, pay their principal down more quickly, or invest in areas such as returning to school.

HUD Equal Housing Statement: “We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.”